The Heartbeat of FCE

Discipleship Mission Training


If you have a desire to be rooted in the BIBLE AS THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR FAITH and want to GROW IN A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE FATHER, JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT, then DMT is for you. 

Turn to GOD - HIS WORD and HIS DESIGN for all aspects of life - to establish a TRUE BIBLICAL WORLD AND LIFE VIEW that affect all spheres of life.  

God delights in showing MERCY!  His desire is for you to experience FREEDOM IN CHRIST from rejection, trauma, fear, pain, pride, dead religion, spirits and other bondages.  Establish your IDENTITY, PURPOSE and CALLING IN CHRIST. Unlock GOD’s CREATIVITY within you, take up RESPONSIBILITY and DEVELOP the earth.  

You are blessed to be a blessing.

BE EQUIPPED to DISCIPLE THE NATIONS.  It’s not about where God fits into your story, but where you fit into GOD’s STORY.  Will you TRUST and OBEY the LORD JESUS CHRIST where He invites you into what He is doing in the nations (in your family, workplace, community, country and beyond)?  We are THE BODY OF CHRIST - making Him known wherever we are.  Learn to apply KINGDOM PRINCIPLES in your daily life and develop CHRIST-LIKE CHARACTER. 

Being discipled implies HEARING and DOING the TRUTH.  Practical experiential learning demands a RESPONSE.  Will you FOLLOW JESUS - to DO what He does, SPEAK what you hear Him say and GO wherever He goes BY WALKING IN THE SPIRIT?

It is time to ARISE! 


Upcoming Trainings

  • Discipleship-Mission-Training at FCE Training Center, Thekero, Rumphi District, Malawi

    See info brochure here or contact

  • Discipleship-Mission-Training in Okahandja, Namibia

    Get more information

  • Discipleship-Mission-Training in Masaka, Uganda

    See info brochure here or contact

  • Discipleship-Mission-Training in Pringle Bay, South Africa

    Get more information


 “Be transformed through the renewing of your mind...”

- Paul, Romans 12:2


DMT Foundation



Giving your life as a living sacrifice and being transformed by the renewing of your mind to know and do the will of God -
making Christ known in your everyday life (Rom. 12:1-2).


Vision | Self-Reflection | Two Kingdoms | Kingdom Word | Kingdom Authority | Kingdom Lifestyle | Kingdom Mandate


Lives changed to change lives!  Knowing God to make Him known.


People from all walks of life (age 18 and above) who respond to God’s calling on their lives.


6-10 weeks (or integrated in lifestyle discipleship and skills training in some contexts)


DMT Advanced



Further Cross-cultural exposure to various practical contexts where the vision of Jesus Christ, making disciples through us worldwide, is being fulfilled.  


Kingdom Living | Kingdom Advancing


Experiential learning to equip, mobilise and send out disciples as vessels through whom Jesus Christ disciple the nations - impacting all spheres of life.


Invited participants from DMT foundation.


5 months or more


DMT Extended



This training focuses on young leaders (21 years and older), identified by FCE Partners,  FCE Affiliates and the wider FCE Network, that already have a mission call of God to disciple communities and nations and to be trained in this calling.


1) DMT (Foundation) (9-10 Weeks ) - 80% Theory & 20% Practical

2) Practical, intentional Mentorship and extended Kingdom Living (4 months) - 20% Theory & 80% Practical

3) DMT (Advanced) Kingdom Living and Kingdom Advancing (5 months) - 20% Theory & 80% Practical


At the end of the one year training to be sent out as a disciple maker
to a FCE Discipleship Training Centre or to a faith community we are related to.


People with a love, hunger and passion for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.
Men and Women of courage, willing to live in brokenness, humility and fear before God. Honest, teachable, disciplined, faithful and hardworking servants of the Lord who,
when they have to fulfil a responsibility in God’s kingdom, will do it with commitment, endurance and a willingness to give themselves as team players.

We dream of disciple makers with a mission call that love people, have an active mind and effective social skills to serve people!


One Year (Intakes: January and April) 


Get an inside into DMT through our videos…


Pringle Bay, South Africa - DMT foundation

Kalungu, Zambia - integrated DMT

Gateway, Zambia - DMT foundation

Pringle Bay, SA - DMT foundation & advanced